Sales ZASTERA in Macedonia

You can contact us if you wish to receive tender about ZASTERA brand. We will make sure to provide you with the lowest price and shortest delivery time for original and high quality products. We are not Macedonia distributor of ZASTERA brand yet we are importing it. If you can't find the model you are looking for, don't hesitate to contact us.

Brand products ZASTERA


Product number: 90303310 BCD 4824-3-5-1-2 BCD Panel Meter Display 3-digit red 14.2mm Supply voltage of 10 ... 30V DC Inputs BCD Parallel Voltage level 0 / 24V DC Degree of protection front IP65 DIN case 48x24mm


Warennummmer: 85444995 Adapter cable AK16K-AE 3m for BCD4824 16 * 0.25mm² 2. Cable end prepared for Terminal connection, patch ferrules Mantelabisolierung 150mm Cable length 3000mm


Warennummmer: 85444995 Adapter cable AK16K-AE 3m for BCD4824 16 * 0.25mm² 2. Cable end prepared for Terminal connection, patch ferrules Mantelabisolierung 150mm Cable length 3000mm

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