
Sales Sonceboz in Macedonia

We offer the full range of products of Sonceboz products. Our company is international company which makes endustrial product provision. Sonceboz products are preference of the world due to high quality and low price. If you can't find the model you are looking for, don't hesitate to contact us.

Brand products Sonceboz


Planetary gear 2-stage


Linear actuator

7214R006 (100 pcs.)

Linear actuator

7214R006 (500 pcs.)

Linear actuator

Servomotor for G931.970.160.104

Servo motor for a Vario gearbox

8660R906 / 8660-20

Stepper motor

7217R251 OEM

Linear Stepper

5846R441 ( OEM )

Turbo valve

8863R1001 OEM

LoadSense motor


High performance hybrid stepping motor


Battery Chart Drive

8130R001 (OEM)

spare motor

5877R1005 (OEM)

Electric drive

725R077 OEM

chart drive

Other Category Brands

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