
Sales Stahl in Macedonia

Our company is the truest address of lowest price and fastest delivery in Stahl products. You can get help from our expert stuffing pattern while investigating the cost of products you needed. Stahl products, produce properly for customer's necessities, can bu used easily even if in the hardest situations. When you wish to receive tender, just let us know the information of model.

Brand products Stahl

158568 / 9001/01-168-075-101

Single-channel safety barriers


R.STAHL Safety barrier

220897 / 6001/522-9510-15-131

Linear luminaire for fluorescent lamps

153029 / 8579/12-406

Plug explosion-protected

133114 / 8118/121-805

Ex e junction box



p/n: 150578, Type: 8570/11-306

explosion proof switch socket

227598 / 9185/11-35-10s

Fieldbus isolating repeater RS-485 Ex i

p/n: 254889; Type: 8060/2-1-D-60

Position switch, Explosion-protected

Other Category Brands

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