
Sales Fluke in Macedonia

Our company is the truest address of lowest price and fastest delivery in Fluke products. Products have modern technology rank as succesfully in many endustry deparments. Our company would be pleased asssisting you about demanded focus supply in accessories. If you can't find the model you are looking for, don't hesitate to contact us.

Brand products Fluke

model: 945

Noise meter

model: 805C

Vibration Meter

4550041 / 820-2

LED stroboscope


phase rotation direction indicator



2811774 / 700PTP-1

Pressure Calibrating Pneumatic Hand Pump ( -0.96 bar - 40 bars)

Fluke 718 1G

Pressure Calibrator

700 G (200 bar)

precision pressure test gauge

p/n: 5140033, Type: 87V-MAX

handheld multimeter

Raysafe 452

Radiation Survey Meter

4684050 / Fluke 279 FC/iFlex

TRMS Thermal Multimeter


digital multimeter

Fluke 190-104-III

Color ScopeMeter


Field Metrology Well

Other Category Brands

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